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Academic programs

UAFS offers bachelor's degrees, associate of arts degrees, associate of general studies, associate of applied science degrees, certificates of proficiency, technical certificates and more.

Use our program finder to explore all UAFS has to offer.

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Colleges and Schools

College of Applied Science and Technology

The College of Applied Science and Technology offers career-based degree and certificate programs that combine academic coursework and hands-on learning.

College of Business

The College of Business is AACSB accredited, the highest standard of excellence for postsecondary business education programs – only 5 percent of business programs in the world are AACSB accredited.

College of Health Sciences

All health science programs are designed to integrate theory, innovative practice, and technology in classroom and medical settings while informing students about healthcare trends and promoting opportunities for career advancement.

College of Communication, Languages, Arts and Social Sciences

Offering a comprehensive education as well as core curricula for most degree programs at UAFS, the College of CLASS provides a broad understanding of the world while developing critical thinking and communication skills that will serve you in every endeavor.

College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

The College of STEM offers programs and courses designed to foster independence, analytical thinking, and problem solving. STEM majors at UAFS are prepared for graduate studies, teaching, and a wide variety of professions in fields spanning technology, engineering, medicine, research, and more.

School of Education

The School of Education oversees all teacher education programs at UAFS, including teacher licensure programs in partnership with UAFS academic colleges; education baccalaureate programs for the elementary and middle childhood levels; experiential training through professional development schools.

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Graduate Studies

Currently, we offer two graduate programs, the Master of Healthcare Administration, which began in Fall 2015 and the Master in Education approved in September 2019.

Over time the University plans to add more programs which are consistent with our mission of preparing “students to succeed in an ever-changing global world while advancing economic development and quality of place.”

Learn more about graduate studies

Academic Guidance


UAFS has seven advising centers, each with their own unique approach to working with their majors. Scheduling an appointment with your assigned advisor is required for all students.

Career Services

Dedicated to providing services to current and former students and our regional employer partners. We would encourage you to explore our website and familiarize yourself with all the services that we have to offer.

Academic Success Center

Enhancing academic development through coaching, tutoring, workshops, test preparation and test proctoring.

Professional Development

Babb Center for Student Professional Development empowers students to develop the professional skills and personal attributes most valued by prospective employers.

Registrar’s Office

Provides official student records and transcripts, processes graduation and registration forms, and provides student ID cards. Other services include enrollment verification and changes in student information.

Upward Bound

A year-round program for students who want to continue their education after high school. Provides students with the skills they need to be successful in high school and then to continue on to higher education.

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Online Learning

Online learning is an essential component for fulfilling the academic mission of the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith.

UAFS incorporates synchronous and asynchronous learning via the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS). Additionally, distance education courses are offered via compressed interactive video to select off-campus sites.

More about online learning
Honors Program

Honors Program

The Myles Friedman Honors Program provides an enriched educational opportunity for bright, motivated first year students with strong academic backgrounds, including a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher and ACT composite scores at or above 27. Admission is competitive and the number of applicants accepted is limited.

Explore the Honors Program

Students in Spain

International Education

Whether you are an international student attending UAFS or you are interested in studying abroad, the office of international relations can assist you.

Explore International Education

Concurrent Students

Concurrent Credit

Whether it be learning in one of the 10 areas of study in the Western Arkansas Technical Center, taking general education courses through UAFS at a local high school, or studying robotics or data analytics through a Regional Workforce Grant, the university offers myriad learning opportunities for students to prepare themselves for the transition to college or employment following high school.

Explore Concurrent Credit Programs