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Commencement Stoles, Cords, & Medallions

The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith recognizes the importance of commencement accessories such as cords, medallions, and stoles in symbolizing a graduate's academic achievement and membership in various organizations. Below is a list of all such items that are approved to be worn at commencement ceremonies to represent registered student organizations, university-recognized honor societies, UAFS social fraternities and sororities, military and veteran students, and UAFS athletic teams.


Approved Commencement Stoles, Cords, and Medallions

Academic Excellence Award
Gold medallion inscribed with the seal of the university

Alpha Epsilon Delta
Two cords of red and purple

Alpha Lambda Delta
Three cords of white, red, and gold

Alpha Omicron Pi
Red stole with Greek letters

Two cords of black and white

Arkansas Blood Institute Donor
Single cord of lime green

Baha'i Club
White stole with royal blue trim

Beta Alpha Psi
Two cords of red and black

Beta Beta Beta
Two cords of red and green

Beta Gamma Sigma
Two cords of royal blue and gold

Black Student Association
Two cords of navy blue and green

Campus Activities Board
Single cord of teal and white

Chancellor's Leadership Council
Single silver cord

Chemistry Club
Single cord of turquoise

College of Business Student Leadership Council
Single cord of maroon and silver

Cub Camp
Single cord of navy and silver

Cultural Network
Two cords of green and light blue

Delta Gamma
Pink stole with Greek letters

Distinction in Professional Development
Braided cords of gold, silver, and blue

French Club
Single cord of purple, green, and gold

Freshman Council
Single cord of forest green

Future Educators Association Professionals
Triple cord of light blue, green, and red

Gamma Phi Beta
Pink stole with Greek letters

Garden Club
Single cord of tan

Geology Club
Single cord of forest green, navy blue, and gold

Golden Z
Single cord of gold and burgundy

Graphic Design Association Honor Society
Single cord of cyan, magenta, and yellow

Green Team
Single cord of dark green

Hmong Student Association
Single cord of green and pink

Honors Activity Council
Single cord of light blue and gold

Interfraternity Council
Single cord of blue, green, and silver

International Leadership Council
Single cord of sky blue

Kappa Delta Pi
Two braided cords of jade and violet

Lambda Nu
Gold stole with maroon Greek letters

Lions ROAR
Single cord of light blue and orange

Math Club
Single cord of black, white, and maroon

Myles Friedman Honors Program Graduate
Bronze medallion inscribed with letter H

National Society of Leadership and Success
Two cords of black and platinum with platinum stole

Native American Student Organization
Single cord of black, red, and gold

Non-Traditional Student Organization
Single cord of teal

Single cord of black, silver, and dark blue.

Nurses Christian Fellowship
Single cord of red

Omnia Vox
Single cord of lavender and white

Panhellenic Council
Single cord of purple, green, and teal

Pi Kappa Phi
Royal blue stole with Greek letters

Pre-Vet Club
Two cords of teal, white, and gold

Psychology Club
Single cord of gold and blue

Residence Hall Association and Resident Assistants
Sky blue stole with navy letters

Silver stole with blue letters

Salute National Honor Society for Veterans
White stole with blue logo

Sigma Delta Pi
Two cords of red and gold

Sigma Nu
Gold stole with Greek letters

Sigma Tau Delta
Two cords of scarlet and black

Skills USA
Two cords of red and white

Soccer Club at UAFS
Single cord of black, white, and navy blue

Social Work Student Network
Single cord of citron and navy blue

Spanish Club
Two cords of silver and navy blue

Student Alumni Association
Single cord of light blue and navy

Student American Dental Hygiene Association
Lavender stole

Student Government Association
Double cord of red and royal blue

Student Government Executive Board
Navy stole with dark red trim

Student Nurses Association
Two cords of blue and white

Student Veterans Association
Red, white, and blue stole

Surgical Technology Student Association
Two cords of ceil blue and silver

To the Smalls (TOTS)
Two cords of forest green and white

Tradition Keepers of the University
Single cord of navy and burgundy

TRIO Student Support Services
Single cord of maroon

University Student Ambassadors
Two cords of maroon and navy

Veteran of the United States Armed Forces
Single cord of red, white, and blue

Western Arkansas Technical Center Graduate
Two cords of purple and green

Young Democrats of Arkansas
Single cord of aqua and gray