Lion Pride Patrol
The Lion Pride Patrol is a division of the University Police Department that is comprised entirely of student workers. These students work as community service officers and respond to assist UPD in lower priority calls to allow UPD officers more time to respond to calls that require police action.
The types of calls that a Lion Pride Patrol community service officer typically responds to include vehicle assists such as jump-starts and lock-outs; opening doors for faculty and staff; and reserving parking spaces for events. Lion Pride CSOs also function as a force multiplier during large events to assist with crowd control and traffic direction.
The CSOs of the Lion Pride Patrol work under the direct supervision of a UPD officer and are never tasked with duties that would normally be assigned to a certified law enforcement officer. Lion Pride CSOs patrol the campus on foot, bicycles, and electric/gas powered carts.
Students interested in employment with the UPD Lion Pride Patrol should fill out a student employment application with the Financial Aid Office located on the second floor of the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center.