Computer and Information Science Syllabi
- CS 1014 - Foundations of Programming I
- CS 1024 - Foundations of Programming II
- CS 1033 - Foundations of Operating Systems I
- CS 1044 - Foundations of Networking
- CS 1053 - Computer Hardware
- CS 1063 - Foundations of Operating Systems II
- CS 1073 - Introduction to Mobile Applications
- CS 1093 - Computer and Information Science Concepts
- CS 1213 - Enterprise Computing
- CS 1303 - Introduction to Data Science
- CS 2003 - Data Structures
- CS 2013 - Database Systems
- CS 2022 - IT Systems Management
- CS 2033 - Web Systems
- CS 2043 - Database Systems II
- CS 2053 - Foundations of CyberSecurity
- CS 298V - Introduction to Undergraduate Research
- CS 3003 - Distributed Systems
- CS 3013 - Human Computer Interaction
- CS 3023 - Research Methods in Information Technology
- CS 3033 - Computer Architecture
- CS 3053 - Operating Systems
- CS 3103 - Algorithm Design
- CS 3113 - Artificial Intelligence
- CS 3123 - Business Application Programming I
- CS 3133 - Business Application Programming II
- CS 3143 - Game Design and Development
- CS 3223 - Routing and Switching
- CS 3233 - Network Services
- CS 3323 - Computer Graphics
- CS 3333 - Big Data
- CS 3403 - NET Application Programming
- CS 3503 - IT Security
- CS 3513 - Applied Cryptography
- CS 3523 - Computer Forensics
- CS 3533 - Assembly Language Programming
- CS 3543 - Systems Programming
- CS 4003 - Systems Analysis and Design
- CS 4023 - Senior Capstone
- CS 4033 - Ethics and Professional Practice
- CS 4103 - Mobile Application Development
- CS 4133 - Cloud Applications Development
- CS 4143 - Deep Learning
- CS 4153 - Advanced Algorithms
- CS 4213 - Identity Management
- CS 4223 - Computing at Scale
- CS 4233 - Advanced Routing
- CS 4323 - Data Analytics
- CS 4333 - Machine Learning
- CS 4343 - Natural Language Processing
- CS 4363 - Internet of Things Development
- CS 4373 - Information Retrieval
- CS 4503 - Network Security
- CS 4523 - Cyber Crimes
- CS 4903 - Information Technology Special Topics
- CS 4913 - Information Technology Internship
- CS 4933 - Competitive Programming
- CS 498V - Undergraduate Research in Computer Science
- CS 499V - Information Technology Independent Study