Marketing General Syllabi
Welcome to the Marketing general syllabi page. Here you’ll find an overview of the courses, including descriptions, student learning outcomes, university learning outcomes, and key topics.
For semester-specific details – such as required readings, assignments, deadlines, and grading criteria – be sure to check the individual section syllabus for your class as shared by your faculty member or posted on Blackboard Ultra, UAFS’s learning management system.
- MKTG 3003 - Introduction to Professional Selling
- MKTG 3013 - Principles of Marketing Management
- MKTG 3033 - Integrated Marketing Communications
- MKTG 3043 - E-Business Marketing
- MKTG 3103 - Advanced Professional Selling
- MKTG 3123 - Consumer Behavior
- MKTG 3133 - Marketing Research
- MKTG 3173 - Sales Management
- MKTG 4033 - Services Marketing
- MKTG 4133 - Social Media Marketing
- MKTG 4143 - Digital Marketing
- MKTG 4203 - International Marketing
- MKTG 447V - Independent Study in Marketing
- MKTG 457V - Special Topics in Marketing