Rhetoric & Writing General Syllabi
Welcome to the Rhetoric and Writing general syllabi page. Here you’ll find an overview of the courses, including descriptions, student learning outcomes, university learning outcomes, and key topics.
For semester-specific details – such as required readings, assignments, deadlines, and grading criteria – be sure to check the individual section syllabus for your class as shared by your faculty member or posted on Blackboard Ultra, UAFS’s learning management system.
- RHET 2863 - Introduction to Writing Studies
- RHET 3103 - Editing for Usage, Style, and Clarity
- RHET 3203 - Textual Research Methods
- RHET 3303 - Rhetorical/Textual Criticism
- RHET 3403 - Rhetorics and Poetics
- RHET 3413 - Literary Events and Publishing
- RHET 3503 - Writing Arguments
- RHET 3513 - Imaginative Writing
- RHET 3603 - Writing for the Workplace
- RHET 3703 - Nonfiction Writing
- RHET 3801 - Publications Staff
- RHET 3903 - Visual Rhetoric
- RHET 4113 - Fiction Workshop
- RHET 4123 - Professional Editing and Publishing
- RHET 4133 - Script Workshop
- RHET 4143 - Podcasting: Writing and Publication
- RHET 4153 - Poetry Workshop
- RHET 4173 - Special Topics in Creative Writing
- RHET 4503 - Arguing Public Issues
- RHET 4523 - Grant Writing
- RHET 4633 - Writing for the Web
- RHET 4733 - Special Topics in Rhetoric
- RHET 4803 - Senior Seminar