The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith has announced the 18 best research presentations
delivered at the 12th Annual Student Research Symposium, which took place April 12 on the UAFS campus.
Research projects presented at the conference included both oral and poster presentations. Among the research disciplines represented were animation technology, art history, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer graphic technology, computer science, dental hygiene, economics, education, electronics, engineering, English, geoscience, health science, legal studies, literature, media communication, music, nursing, psychology, and rhetoric and writing.
The 30 students whose presentations were selected by judges for recognition received monetary awards.
The winners were:
Randall Pulis (team of five), “Trend and Change Analysis of Monthly and Seasonal Temperature Series Pertaining to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” faculty sponsor
Dr. Maurice Testa.
Julia Mathews (team of five), “Trend and Change Analysis of Monthly and Seasonal Temperature Series Pertaining to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” faculty sponsor
Dr. Maurice Testa.
Christopher Haley, “The Benefits that Video Games Can Provide,” faculty sponsor Dr. Argie Nichols.
Jake Myers, “The New Zealand Method: A Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Referral Wait Times,” faculty sponsor Dr. Cheryl Holden.
Karla Saavedra (team of four), “Millennials in Dentistry,” faculty sponsor Pam Davidson.
Fort Smith:
Maricela Gonzalez (team of four), “Millennials in Dentistry,” faculty sponsor Pam Davidson;
Ian Hattabaugh (team of five), “Trend and Change Analysis of Monthly and Seasonal Temperature Series Pertaining to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” faculty sponsor Dr. Maurice Testa;
Luke Hinton, “Sentiment Analysis of Text through Statistical Techniques,” faculty sponsors Israel Cuevas and Andrew Mackey;
Van Huynh, “Dance Training Benefits for Special Needs Children: A Literature Review,” faculty sponsor Lenora Valdez;
Suguey Martinez (team of four), “Millennials in Dentistry,” faculty sponsor Pam Davidson;
Herman Meashintubby (team of five), “Trend and Change Analysis of Monthly and Seasonal Temperature Series Pertaining to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” faculty sponsor Dr. Maurice Testa;
Sherman Miranda, “Zombies and Apocalyptic Conditioning: The First Night Trauma Theory,” faculty sponsor Dr. Erik Carlson;
Cecil Montemayor IV, “EZ POD Automated Accounting Software,” faculty sponsor Dr. Kiyun Han;
Marguerite Ndi Mefoe, “The H4 Visa: An Antiquity and Insidious Patriarchy Within the U.S. Immigration System,” faculty sponsor Dr. Lisa Norris;
Wesley Partin, “The Ambulance Microbiome,” faculty sponsor Dr. Luis Murillo Cortes;
Jackalynn Self, “Dementors, Depression, and the Monster Stigma of Mental Health in the 21st Century,” faculty sponsor Dr. Cammie Sublette;
Sean Tait (team of four), “Analysis of Proposed Meteorites Using X-ray Diffractometry,” faculty sponsor Dr. Dave Mayo;
Micah Weaver (team of four), “Analysis of Proposed Meteorites Using X-ray Diffractometry,” faculty sponsor Dr. Dave Mayo.
Peyton Bader, “Dreams Come True in Revit,” faculty sponsor Derek Goodson;
Shaylon Hutchins (team of three), “Sentiment Analysis of Social Networking Data Classifiers,” faculty sponsors Andrew Mackey and Dr. Brittany Bright;
Colton Johnson (team of four), “Analysis of Proposed Meteorites Using X-ray Diffractometry,” faculty sponsor Dr. Dave Mayo.
Marcus Schneider, “Petrographic Analysis of the Smackover Formation in Southern Arkansas,” faculty sponsor Dr. Maurice Testa.
Pocola, Oklahoma:
Austin Edwards (team of three), “Sentiment Analysis of Social Networking Data Classifiers,” faculty sponsors Andrew Mackey and Dr. Brittany Bright.
Poteau, Oklahoma:
Mikalyn Reif, “French New Wave, the Creation of the Auteur, and Wes Anderson,” faculty sponsor Dr. JaeYoon Park.
Roland, Oklahoma:
Kialey Wainwright (team of four), “Analysis of Proposed Meteorites Using X-ray Diffractometry,” faculty sponsor Dr. Dave Mayo.
Kallie Dean, “The Good, the Bad, the Lessons Learned,” faculty sponsors Dr. Monica Riley, Dr. Sara Davis, and Dr. Ernest Barnett.
Ashley Manchamee (team of four), “Millennials in Dentistry,” faculty sponsor Pam Davidson.
Stigler, Oklahoma:
Elise Godfrey (team of five), “Trend and Change Analysis of Monthly and Seasonal Temperature Series Pertaining to Fort Smith, Arkansas,” faculty sponsor
Dr. Maurice Testa.
Van Buren:
Cesar Cueva (team of three), “Sentiment Analysis of Social Networking Data Classifiers,” faculty sponsors Andrew Mackey and Dr. Brittany Bright;
Ryan King, “Analysis of E-Sports to Determine Whether it is a Sport,” faculty sponsor Dr. Argie Nichols.