Electronics Syllabi
- ELEC 1233 - Fundamentals of Electricity
- ELEC 1242 - Introduction to Electronics Technology
- ELEC 1243 - Introduction to Programming
- ELEC 1263 - Industrial Electricity
- ELEC 1353 - Electrical Circuits and Components
- ELEC 1393 - Solid State
- ELEC 1863 - Digital Fundamentals
- ELEC 2243 - Applied Industrial Electricity and Safety
- ELEC 2403 - Introduction to Robotics
- ELEC 2413 - Robot Operations and Maintenance
- ELEC 2423 - Robot Programming II
- ELEC 2513 - PLC Applications
- ELEC 2733 - Advanced Electronic Circuits
- ELEC 2753 - Communication Systems
- ELEC 290V - Electronics Special Topics
- ELEC 2943 - Electronics Capstone
- ELEC 295V - Electronics Internship
- ELEC 3303 - Motion Control System Design
- ELEC 3314 - Servo Motion Control Programming
- ELEC 3413 - Energy Auditing
- ELEC 3433 - Generating Clean Electrons
- ELEC 3443 - Robot Studio Programming
- ELEC 3513 - Advanced PLC Control Systems
- ELEC 3523 - HMI Programming
- ELEC 3933 - Industrial Control Systems
- ELEC 3934 - Inverter Vector Drive Systems Applications
- ELEC 490V - Special Topics in Electronics Technology