Electronics General Syllabi
Welcome to the Electronics general syllabi page. Here you’ll find an overview of the course, including its description, student learning outcomes, university learning outcomes, and key topics.
For semester specific details – such as required readings, assignments, deadlines, and grading criteria – be sure to check the individual section syllabus for your class as shared by your faculty member or posted on Blackboard Ultra, UAFS’s Learning Management System.
- ELEC 1233 - Fundamentals of Electricity
- ELEC 1242 - Introduction to Electronics Technology
- ELEC 1243 - Introduction to Programming
- ELEC 1263 - Industrial Electricity
- ELEC 1353 - Electrical Circuits and Components
- ELEC 1393 - Solid State
- ELEC 1863 - Digital Fundamentals
- ELEC 2243 - Applied Industrial Electricity and Safety
- ELEC 2403 - Introduction to Robotics
- ELEC 2413 - Robot Operations and Maintenance
- ELEC 2423 - Robot Programming II
- ELEC 2513 - PLC Applications
- ELEC 2733 - Advanced Electronic Circuits
- ELEC 2753 - Communication Systems
- ELEC 290V - Electronics Special Topics
- ELEC 2943 - Electronics Capstone
- ELEC 295V - Electronics Internship
- ELEC 3303 - Motion Control System Design
- ELEC 3314 - Servo Motion Control Programming
- ELEC 3413 - Energy Auditing
- ELEC 3433 - Generating Clean Electrons
- ELEC 3443 - Robot Studio Programming
- ELEC 3513 - Advanced PLC Control Systems
- ELEC 3523 - HMI Programming
- ELEC 3933 - Industrial Control Systems
- ELEC 3934 - Inverter Vector Drive Systems Applications
- ELEC 490V - Special Topics in Electronics Technology