Physical Education General Syllabi
Welcome to the Physical Education general syllabi page. Here you’ll find an overview of the courses, including descriptions, student learning outcomes, university learning outcomes, and key topics.
For semester-specific details – such as required readings, assignments, deadlines, and grading criteria – be sure to check the individual section syllabus for your class as shared by your faculty member or posted on Blackboard Ultra, UAFS’s learning management system.
- PHYE 0990 - Well Fit
- PHYE 1011 - Beginning Aerobic Fitness
- PHYE 1021 - Intermediate Aerobic Fitness
- PHYE 1261 - Walking/Beginning Jogging
- PHYE 1271 - Tennis
- PHYE 1502 - Sports Fundamentals
- PHYE 1551 - Golf
- PHYE 1561 - Martial Arts I
- PHYE 1571 - Martial Arts II
- PHYE 1621 - Total Fitness
- PHYE 1701 - Introduction to Volleyball
- PHYE 2353 - Sports Officiating
- PHYE 2571 - Martial Arts III
- PHYE 2853 - Health and Safety