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Events | Arts and SciencesApril 11, 2022

Windgate Art & Design Gallery displays Faculty works through May 13

Written By: Samantha Contreras

“It’s always important, impactful, and inspiring for students to see what level of work the Art & Design faculty are producing,” said Matthew Bailey, gallery director of Windgate Art & Design.

“UAFS Art & Design Faculty Biannual 2022,” a collection of 35 works in various media, will be displayed through May 13 in the Windgate Art & Design gallery. At 5210 Kinkead Ave., the gallery is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

 The exhibit displays a broad range of media styles from full-time and adjunct faculty, showcasing digital, sculpture, book art, letterpress art, graphic design, traditional photography, drawing, printmaking, and fabric art.

“A display of faculty works is a source of pride in the university and the region,” said Bailey. “It also demonstrates that we are one center of arts and culture in the region.”

The artists featured are Katie Waugh, department head and associate professor; professor Ernest Cialone; associate professors Bryan Alexis, Katie Harper, and Colin McLain; assistant professor Peter Cullum; adjunct professors Owen Buffington, Jarrod Cluck, Mary Elkins; and part-time faculty Bobby Rogne.

 Bailey has exhibition programming through Spring 2024. This summer, he will showcase works on paper from the permanent collection, and in fall 2022, there will be a special semester-long exhibit from the Barry Lopez Foundation in Santa Fe called “Ron Jude: 12HZ.” 

 “We aim to work in coordination with other institutions and contribute to the growth of an impactful cultural center with contemporary art from nationally and internationally renowned artists,” said Bailey.

 In spring 2023, the Windgate Art & Design will slate the next biennial installation of the Arkansas Women to Watch exhibition. In the second part of that semester, there will be a monographic exhibition by the University of Arkansas Fayetteville artist Linda Lopez. 

As a part of the Windgate Art & Design development of public programming, tours of the exhibit will be available by appointment through May 13. Call 479-788-7542 or email for information. 

Since last August, Bailey has showcased four shows: “Extra Ordinary: An Exhibition of Work by Jo Stealey,” “Paper Routes: Arkansas Women to Watch Exhibition 2021,” and “Printmaking at UAFS: Selections from Permanent Collection, Faculty, Alumni, and Students.”

“My plan for Windgate Art & Design is to provide a diverse range of media from artists that inspire, inform, and educate the university and the regional community,” said Bailey. “I aim to expand the permanent collection and develop educational and public programming for university students and the community.”

  • Tags:
  • Art and Design
  • Windgate
  • Art Gallery