Registration for the spring intersession and the first and second summer semesters
is now open at the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, according to Penny Pendleton,
dean for student services.
The spring intersession term will run from May 12-30 and includes 22 courses over a range of subjects. Most courses will meet either from 8-11:15 a.m. or 1-4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.
This is the first time UAFS will offer a spring intersession, as the University continues to expand their course offerings to students.
“We’re trying to offer more opportunities for students who are going year-round and want to complete a class in the lull between the spring and summer semesters,” Pendleton said.
Pendleton added that the intersession courses count as spring 2014 enrollment for financial aid purposes. Students enrolled in the spring intersession must attend all class sessions, and tuition and fees are due when they register for the course.
The first summer semester will begin June 2, with five- or 10-week enrollment options. The second term starts July 7. Classes normally meet Monday through Thursday.
“Our summer courses give students a chance to accelerate their degree plan,” Pendleton said. “It’s a great opportunity to get some extra college credits.”
Registration for the spring intersession and summer semesters is open until the first day of classes. New students can complete a five-minute application for admission at prior to visiting with an admissions officer to help them through the process.
Current students who are interested in taking intersession courses should contact their adviser. Returning students should visit with admissions about the process of being readmitted to the university and then see an adviser to discuss registration. For a list of the spring intersession class schedule, visit
Additionally, transfer and returning students with 13 or more credit hours may register now for their fall courses. New students, or transfer and returning students with less than 12 credit hours, will register through New Student Orientation programs throughout the summer.
The Admissions and School Relations Office is located on the second floor of the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center. Office hours are 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Fridays. The class schedule is available on the UAFS website under “Academic Quicklinks.”
For more information, call the Admissions and School Relations Office at 479-788-7120 or 888-512-5466 or visit