The 12th Annual Student Research Symposium will take place from 2-4 p.m. Friday, April
12, on the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith campus. Students will present in both
oral and poster formats on research projects they have conducted over the school year.
Presentations, which are free and open to the public, will take place in both the Boreham Library, located at 812 N. Waldron Rd., and Pendergraft Health-Science Center, 715 N. Waldron Rd.
The annual Student Research Symposium provides an opportunity for UAFS students to present what they have learned from their research experience to fellow students, faculty and the community, allowing students to learn from one another and become involved in interdisciplinary discourse while also showcasing their research findings.
“Our faculty and staff are committed to fostering an environment that promotes not only learning but also enlightenment,” said Dr. Georgia Hale, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “Our students are exploring unique areas of research, representing the academic diversity of UAFS’s programs and the intellectual excellence of our students, the results of which will be seen in the form of lectures, performances, demonstrations and poster presentations.
Presentations will be given on research topics in legal studies, economics, psychology, media communication, engineering, electronics technology, electronics, computer science, animation, art history, education, health science, nursing, English, literature, rhetoric and writing, computer graphic technology, geoscience, biology, chemistry, music and ethnomusicology.
For more information, including a compilation of participants and research project abstracts, visit