Electronics Technology/Industrial Maintenance
Program Location: Peak Innovation Center
Options: Afternoon
Students who enter the electronics technology program will gain the skills needed to solve complex problems through the use of technology. Students will learn how to install, maintain, and repair machinery, equipment, and processes used by manufacturing and industrial companies. The courses in this pathway cover a range of integrated fields such as advanced manufacturing, engineering, sciences, and technology.
Career Titles: Industrial Maintenance Technician, Advanced Manufacturing Technician, Engineering
Industry: Electromedical, Manufacturing, Governmental, Engineering Services
Outlook: 2 percent growth
Arkansas Median Wage: $62,080
Fall Semester First Year |
Spring Semester First Year |
Fall Semester Second Year |
Spring Semester Second Year |
Introduction to Electronics Technology | Industrial Electricity | Mechanical Drives | Fluid Power |
Fundamentals of Electricity | Electrical Circuits & Components | PLC Applications | Robot Programming II |
Special Topics: Robot Automation | Robot Operations & Maintenance | CNC Operations |
Sample schedule only. Actual schedules may vary.
Credentials students can potentially earn while in WATC:
- Certificate of Proficiency in Industrial Electricity and Electrical Maintenance
- Technical Certificate in Industrial Electricity and Electrical Maintenance
Degree options to complete at UAFS:
- Associate of Science in Electronics Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology