Freshman Merit Scholarships
Scholarships are for four years or completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours each semester and renewal is based upon earning 24 hours per academic year. Students must also earn a 3.0 GPA for Platinum, Gold, and Silver renewal and 2.5 GPA for Bronze and Lion Pride scholarships. Those who have not met these requirements at the end of spring may use the summer semester to meet renewal. Merit scholarship housing stipends are valid for Lion's Den housing for up to four years.
Your admission application also acts as your application for both merit and foundation-based scholarships. There is no need to submit a separate scholarship application.
Learn More
Fall 2025 Deadline
Your Fall 2025 admissions application, official high school transcript, and official test scores must be submitted by March 15, 2025, to be considered for merit scholarships.
Eligibility Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Amounts |
Freshman Prestigious Scholarships
The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith provides merit-based scholarships to our most academically successful students in the form of Freshman Prestigious Scholarships. UAFS Freshman Prestigious Scholarships require a separate application in addition to the Application for Admissions.
High school seniors graduating in the spring who begin seeking a bachelor's degree through UAFS in the fall of that same year are eligible for this scholarship. Scholarships are available for four years or until completion of a degree, whichever comes first.
To ensure consideration please make certain both your application for admission, your Prestigious Scholarship Application, essays, recommendation letters, and resume are received by the deadline. You can apply for Prestigious Scholarships through the Admissions Application Status Portal after being admitted to UAFS.
Fall 2025 Deadline
The Prestigious Scholarship deadline for Fall 2025 was Jan. 13, 2025.
Prestigious Scholarship Application
Eligibility Criteria | Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Eligibility Criteria | Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Please visit the Admissions Office website for information about the application process for incoming freshmen.
Arkansas Scholarships
- Alma
- Greenwood
- Mountainburg
- Northside
- Ozark
- Southside
- Van Buren
- Westside
Eligibility Criteria | Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Students must be certified by their respective high school and meet all four of the
Arkansas Scholars Program requirements:
- Take the Smart Core curriculum during high school (4 units of Math and English – 3 units of Science and Social Studies – complete remaining courses)
- Make a semester grade of C or better in ALL academic courses
- Attend school at least 95 percent of the time or more
- Complete high school in eight consecutive semesters
The Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Award (Governor’s Distinguished) is the most academically rigorous award program offered by ADHE. The award pays tuition, mandatory fees, room, and board up to $10,000 per year.
The Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Award (Governor’s) is also an academically rigorous award program offered by ADHE that pays tuition, mandatory fees, room, and board up to $5,000 per year.
Who qualifies for Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Program Scholarships?
- ACT score of 32 or higher OR SAT score of at least 1410 (Scores must be earned by Dec. 31 prior to the application deadline in order for the scores to be considered by the department for a scholarship award.
- Final High School 3.5 GPA OR
- Be selected as a finalist in either the National Merit Scholarship competition, the National Hispanic Recognition Program, or the National Achievement Scholarship competition.
How many hours are required for the Arkansas Governor’s Scholars Program Scholarship?
To renew the Governor’s scholarship, a student must complete a total of 30 credit hours for the academic year with a cumulative 3.0 GPA for all college courses. The only exception is for the student’s first academic year, they are only required to complete a total of 27 credit hours. The Governor’s scholarship is renewable for up to four years.
NOTE: Renewal criteria is separate from semester criteria. If a student is unable to complete 30 credit hours for the academic year due to course failure or withdrawal, the student may make up the hours in the summer term. However, the student will be responsible to request an official transcript from the Registrar's Office with the summer coursework to be sent to ADHE by Sept. 15.
Application Deadline
July 1 during the student's senior year in high school
Who qualifies?
In addition to the basic state eligibility requirements, students must also meet one of these criteria:
- Any Arkansas high school graduate with a final GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Any Arkansas resident
- with an ACT score of 19 or higher OR
- who has earned at least 12 college credit hours and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
No. Once you are awarded the Arkansas Challenge Scholarship, the award will automatically renew as long as you meet the renewal criteria. The Arkansas Challenge is renewable for up to four years.
Arkansas Academic Challenge Award Amounts and hour criteria (Four-Year College)
Year 1 - $1,000 - 12 Fall hours. 15 Spring hours.
Year 2 - $4,000 - 15 Fall hours. 15 Spring hours.
Year 3 - $4,000 - 15 Fall hours. 15 Spring hours.
Year 4 - $5,000 - Prorate based on enrollment.
Continuing Eligibility Criteria
To renew the Traditional Arkansas Challenge, a student must:
- Maintain a 2.50 cumulative GPA
- Complete 27 semester hours the first academic year and 30 hours each year thereafter
- Complete all remedial courses during the first 30 hours taken after receipt of the scholarship
- Be continuously enrolled unless student requests for the scholarship to be placed on hold (maximum of four semesters)
- Enroll in courses that lead toward a baccalaureate degree after:
- Earning an associate degree OR
- Having less than four semesters of funding left
This scholarship will be renewed until the recipient first:
- Earns a baccalaureate degree OR
- Attempts a total of 120 semester hours OR
- Receives eight semesters of funding, whichever comes first*
Visit the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) website for additional details about the Arkansas Challenge Scholarship.
Additional Arkansas Department of Higher Education Potential Scholarships
Law Enforcement Officer's Dependent Scholarship (LEO)
LEO provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and room at any public college, university,
or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement
officers, some Highway and Transportation Department employees, and other public employees
who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. (View Details)
Military Dependents Scholarship (MDS)
MDS provides a waiver of tuition, fees, room, and board at any public college, university,
or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansans who were
killed or missing in action, were prisoners of war, or are totally and permanently
disabled. (View Details)
Single Parent Scholarship Fund
Arkansas Single Parent Scholarships (ASPSF) offers scholarships to low-income single
parents who are pursuing post-secondary education that leads to skilled employment.
Scholarship funds are administered at the local level. Full-time and part-time scholarships
are available. (View Details)
Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP)
TOP offers reimbursement funding Arkansas teachers and administrators who are furthering
their education. Teachers and administrators may apply for reimbursement for out-of-pocket
expenses. Funding covers up to 6 credit hours per academic year, not to exceed $3,000.
(View Details)
Washington Center Scholarship
This program awards scholarships of up to $6,000 to Arkansas students who are accepted to the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars located in Washington, D.C. (View Details)
Other Potential Scholarships
Cherokee Nation Higher Education Scholarship
Citizens of the Cherokee Nation actively pursuing a higher education degree may apply
to receive educational scholarships payable directly to an accredited college or university.
Some scholarships may have restrictions, such as students with multiple tribal lineages
may only receive assistance from one tribe. Students must be working towards an Associate
of Arts or Science, Associate of Applied Science in Nursing ONLY, bachelor's, master's,
or doctorate. (View Details)
Choctaw Nation College Scholarship
Any member of the Choctaw Nation actively pursuing a higher education degree may apply to receive assistance in the form scholarship payable directly to an accredited college or university. Students must be working toward a minimum of an associate degree. Students may receive assistance while working toward one associate degree (maximum six full-time grading periods), one bachelor's degree (maximum 12 full-time grading periods), one master's degree (maximum six full-time grading periods), and one doctorate degree (maximum four full-time grading periods total after all-but-dissertation status) while making forward academic progress. Students seeking to obtain certifications and/or licenses may contact the Choctaw Nation Career Development Program. (View Details)
Renewal Criteria by Scholarship
Renewal Criteria | Amount |
Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Recipients are not required to live on campus, but the housing portion may only be applied to on-campus housing. The housing portion must be used consecutively in order to receive it each year.
Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
Renewal Criteria | Amounts |
NOTE: Recipients are not required to live on campus, but the housing portion may only be applied to on-campus housing. The housing portion must be used consecutively in order to receive it each year.